Thinking more broadly about assessment (and diagnosticians)

  • Maciej Karwowski The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw
  • Joanna Szen-Ziemiańska University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
Keywords: psychological assessment; educational assessment


Commenting on the paper by Filipiak et al., we especially suggest a wider definition of the category of diagnosticians than the authors have proposed. We do not fully contest the correct proposal of continuing education in the field of assessment, but we wonder how to organize such education so that it caters not just for psychology graduates but also for other specialists who deal with assessment on an everyday professional basis – such as educators, sociologists, psychiatrists, and therapists.


Filipiak, M., Tarnowska, M., Zalewski, B. i Paluchowski, W. J. (2015). O systemie kształcenia ustawicznego psychologów diagnostów w Polsce. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 18(2), 157-169.
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