Parents’ and their adult children’s narrations on upbringing

  • Dorota Kuncewicz Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Institute of Applied Psychology
  • Ewa Sokołowska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Institute of Applied Psychology
  • Jolanta Sobkowicz Lower Secondary School No 10 in Lublin
Keywords: upbringing, parent and child, qualitative research, narration


Qualitative analysis was conducted concurrently on two subject groups engaged in the upbringing process: parents and their adult children. The narrations, analyzed “in pairs,” (n = 26) constituted the answers to the questions: (1) How did you raise your child? (2) How were you raised? The analysis of the narrations (using theory of literature devices) allowed for the isolation of elements of hidden stories (within the confines of a story within a story). As such, we considered communications containing the following information: implied and thematized – at a high level of literary communication and defined in time, told in free-flowing language in which the narrator’s distance is the smallest, as well as information which can be attributed to the addresser. Conducting discourse analysis on persons in monologue pairs allows us to compare whether the worlds presented (human activity, attributed roles, processes, states, experiences, times and places) are the same and alike.


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