The type of interpersonal relationship as influencing perpetrator’s behavior after having caused harm and their disposition towards the victim

  • Eufrozyna Gruszecka SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sopot
Keywords: harm; perpetrator; victim; blame attribution; remedial actions


The study investigated whether the kind of relationship between the perpetrator and the victim has an impact on perpetrator’s behavior (attribution, remedial actions) after having caused harm. The aim of the research was also to check if there exists any correlation of such reactions (e.g. self-blame, excuse) with posterior victim assessment. Four kinds of social relationships were examined: parent-child, romantic partners, superior-subordinate, and acquaintances. Participants were asked to describe an event in which a certain person (indicated in the questionnaire) felt harmed by them and their own reactions to that event. They also estimated the victim’s features on several attractiveness scales. The results show that the level of blame and responsibility attributed to themselves was the highest in the case of guilty partners in close relationships, the lowest in the case of superiors, and medium in the case of parents and acquaintances. Remedial actions are most often taken by romantic partners, much less often by parents and acquaintances, and most rarely by superiors. The frequency pattern for excuses and justifications was nearly exactly the opposite. One of the possible explanations of the results refers to the combined effect of affiliation and power motives that influence perpetrator’s reactions and substantially vary across different types of social relations. The presented data also indicates that victim devaluation might be considered as a coping strategy used by the perpetrator.


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