The borders of spirituality - the first approach

  • Katarzyna Skrzypińska University of Gdańsk
Keywords: spirituality; life attitude; components of spirituality; life meaning


Delimitation of spirituality phenomenon is very difficult task. Young history of researching this phenomena shows the spirituality as not only seeking for sacred, not only religion or beliefs, but much more complicated construct. The body of many research from different fields of psychology shows different points of view and perspectives in which spirituality may be investigated. There are three visible approaches which treat spirituality as: 1) life attitude, 2) dimension of personality and 3) cognitive schema. The first of above standpoint/hypothesis was tested. Objectives (N = 200) were young people, students of the universities and academies of different interests: humanistic, exact science and artistic. They were asked what the spirituality generally is (broad social/cultural meaning), especially for them (personal meaning) and what spiritual strivings are. The results showed very differentiated understanding of spirituality depending on particular interests and the three formal components of it: cognitive, emotional and behavioral one.


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