On an attempt at constructing a meta-psychology. Adrian van Kaam post mortem

  • Andrzej Jastrzębski Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum)
Keywords: phenomenology; existentialism; psychological anthropology; philosophy; human being


The recently deceased Adrian van Kaam CSSp is considered to be one of the founders of phenomenologico-existential approach in psychology. His works stand at the beginning of humanist and existential psychology in the United States. Dialogue between psychology and philosophy, one of his postulates, is a common characteristic of this period in the development of psychology. While similar to V. Frankl’s multi-dimensional anthropology, Van Kaam’s research project appears to have been much more ambitious. His aim was to construct a meta-theoretical foundation for all the essentially different psychological currents in order to enable fruitful dialogue among them. However, Van Kaam’s proposal was not welcomed enthusiastically by the psychological community, and the author himself remains unknown to the general public, being only occasionally mentioned in manuals of the history of psychology. This paper is an attempt to provide the Polish audience with a more exhaustive presentation of van Kaam’s scientific heritage in the fields of psychological theory, psychotherapy, and scientific spirituality as well as to explain why his research has not become an integral part of the history of psychology.


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