Temperament and reactions to stimulating advertisements

  • Alicja Grochowska SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
Keywords: temperament; emotions; advertisement


Works of art, literature, architecture, music and advertisements can all be analysed and studied with regard to their stimulating value. Formal and semantic properties of such objects can elicit arousal. In this study the associations of Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism as conceptualised by Eysenck (and measured by EPQ-R) with response to stimulating (erotic) press advertisements were examined. Three print ads were presented to 95 students. Physiological responses (EDA amplitude, pulse frequency and respiration maximal amplitude) were registered and analysed by the computer polygraph system Lafayette LX-3000W. Cognitive assessments were reported by the participants on semantic differentials. The results showed that stimulating ads elicited stronger physiological arousal in introverts and neurotics than in extraverts and emotionally stable participants. Positive cognitive assessments of stimulating ads were observed in emotionally stable introverts, neurotic extraverts and low psychotic introverts.


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