Varieties of self-multiplicity

  • Hubert Suszek University of Warsaw, Faculty of Psychology
Keywords: self-concept; self-multiplicity; multiple selves; self-complexity; self-variability; self-pluralism; dialogical self; subpersonalities; dissociation; polypsychism; integration


Many contemporary theorists have proposed that the self is not unitary but multifaceted, composed of aspects, subselves, or subpersonalities. Individuals differ in the number of their subselves and their self-complexity. The paper introduces the theories which take into account the pluralism of both the self-as-known and the self-as-knower. These theories come mostly from social psychologists, personality psychologists and psychotherapists. The most commonly proposed types of self-subsystems are discussed. The paper also describes possible processes through which differentiated self-conceptualizations are organized and integrated.


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