Human values accounting for materialistic orientation
The aim of research was to investigate relationships between human values and materialistic orientation. Two-hundred-fifty-two subjects were surveyed: 109 males and 143 females, aged 24 to 46, with secondary education and university degree. The followingmethods were used: Materialistic Orientation Scale inspired by Richins and Dawson’s theory, and Rokeach Value Survey. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied. It was found out that human values were linked with materialistic orientation and explained 29% of its variance. Materialistic orientation correlated positively with comfortable life and negatively with wisdom, inner harmony and loving. Multiple regression analysis showed that human values explained 34% of variance in materialistic orientation in the group of females and 21% in the group of males. Moreover, materialistic orientation is linked with wisdom and inner harmony of women, whereas it was not linked with the above values in males. Multiple regression analysis showed that human values explained 31% of variance in materialistic orientation in subjects aged 24 to 35, and 34% in subjects aged 36 to 46. Materialistic orientation was positively linked with such values as ‘peace in the world’, ‘happiness’ and ‘broad- -mindedness in subjects aged 24 to 35, whereas it was positively linked with an ‘exciting life’ and ‘ambition’ in subjects aged 36 to 46. Other instrumental values were found to be linked with materialistic orientation both in females and males, and in age groups 24 to 35 and 36 to 46.
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