The specificity of the adoptive parenthood in the light of David H. Kirk’s theory

  • Antonina Gutowska Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: David H. Kirk; D. Brodzinsky; adoption; adoptive parenthood; acknowledgment-of-difference coping pattern; rejection-of-difference coping pattern


The article The specificity of the adoptive parenthood in the light of David H. Kirk’s theory concerns differences in functioning between adoptive and natural families as presented by a Canadian sociologist David H. Kirk. According to Kirk, there are two different coping patterns with difficulties related to self-identification as an adoptive parent: acknowledgmenet of difference between adoptive and natural parenthood or rejection of such difference. The families in which adoptive parents use the first strategy have better between-member communication and, as a result, they are much more satisfied with adoption than the families using the second strategy. In the second part of the article research inspired by Kirk’s theory is presented, especially that of D. Brodzinsky, as well as K. Kaye, and D. Grotevant.


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