Stimulation of gifts development in the light of R. J. Sternberg’s theory of successful inteligence

  • Andrzej E. Sękowski Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: successful intelligence; analytical intelligence; creative intelligence; practical intelligence; achievements


The article aims at presenting views on possibilities of stimulation of gifts and intelligence. This issue is discussed in the perspective of R. J. Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence. This theory is an example of the tendency to perceive intelligence as a combination of diverse, relatively independent dimensions. This theory distinguishes analytical, creative and practical intelligence. The term intelligence is used in this theory interchangeably with the term gift. Due to increasing need expressed mainly by practitioners working in youth education, it is important to search for the possibilities of developing those skills which particularly influence extra-academic achievements. This approach is complementary to the traditionally hold view of general intelligence as closely related to academic achievements.


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