Predicators of proenvironmental consumer choices

  • Dominika Pogorzelec
  • Oleg Gorbaniuk Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: theory of planned behaviour; ecological awareness; responsibility; proenvironmental consumer choices; proenvironmental products


This paper deals with the problem of the predictors of purchasing proenvironmental products. The research sample consisted of 109 people at different age from general population. It was assumed that higher level of ecological awareness, stronger feeling of ecological responsibility and stronger general responsibility influence proenvironmental consumer choices. Analysis of the results reveals that consumers that think they have great control over their consumer behaviours, possess stronger feeling of general responsibility, feel shared responsibility for the present condition of the environment and have stronger beliefs about mutual connections with the nature are more willing to buy ecological products. However, the influence of demographic variables (age, sex, education) on choices of ecological products was not found.


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