The role of ideological label and political attitudes in evaluation of political message

  • Paweł Koniak SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Keywords: political message; ideological labels; issue voting; “easy” and “hard” issues; left/right self-identifications; political opinions


The role of “easy” and “hard” issues, and ideological labels in evaluation of political message are considered. In experimental research 199 Ss participated and three hypotheses were tested: 1) “Ideological symbols” hypothesis assumes that messages with label, which is consistent with addresser’ left/right self-identifications, are preferred; 2) “Issue voting” hypothesis assumes that message consistent with addresser’s “capitalist”/”socialist” view is preferred; 3) “Easy-issue voting” hypothesis assumes that addresser preferres a message containing opinion consistent with his/her view on issue of influence of Catholic Church on politics and national affairs. “Ideological symbols” hypothesis wasn’t confirmed. “Issue voting” and “Easy-issue voting” hypotheses were only partially confirmed. However, in each case Ss preferred the message that was a collection of truisms, in which concrete solutions were absent.


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