The notion of competence in psychology

  • Kinga Tucholska Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: competence; time competence; temporal competence


The term “competence” owes its interdisciplinary character to the richness of its semantic contest. Hence, it is used in various scientific disciplines, including the social sciences. The objective of the following article is to look more closely at the notion of competence, that is, how is has been approached in psychology from the late 1950 till today. The article aims at presenting the issues related to the conceptualization of competence. Furthermore, some ambiguities in the nomenclature used by researchers and theoreticians as well as in the way competence is presents have been noticed. It has provoked the author of this article to formulate some specifications. Some efforts have been made to systematize the knowledge in this area. The analsis of competence has finally resulted in the defining personality competence indicators and formulating the basis to mark them out from personal competences. As an illustration of the latter temporal competences have been discussed in some detail.


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