Religious feelings in preschool children in self-reports and in reports of their mothers

  • Małgorzata Tatala Catholic University of Lublin
  • Maria Mańkowska Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: religious feelings; preschool age


The study concerns religious feelings in preschool children as reported by the children and by their mothers. 90 children at the ages 4, 5 and 6 were studied by means of a picture method and interviews with their mothers were carried out. The paper includes a contents analysis of the representations of religious feelings in children as well as a comparison of the data from children and their mothers with the focus on both the contents and the way of expressing the feelings reported. The relationships between positive and negative feelings are discussed and more detailed statistical analysis was applied to negative feelings. It was found that on the level of general tendencies the both sources of reports concerning children's religious feelings showed similar quality. A more detailed analysis discovered certain minor differences, however, the data from the two sources were complementary rather than contradictory.


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