Affect and cognition in consumer ethnocentrism

  • Aneta Maliszewska Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej, Warszawa
Keywords: consumer ethnocentrism; affect; cognition; purchase intention; verbal trademarks


This article examines purchase intention of products perceived as Polish or foreign among consumers with high and low levels of ethnocentrism. The author focuses on the affective and cognitive components of the attitude toward the products and their influence on purchase intentions. 100 people completed the study. The respondents ranged in age from 18 to 80, approximately half were men. Six different brands of packaged goods were used in the study. Three of them had names that were perceived as Polish; the other three products were perceived as foreign. The results of this study show a greater influence of the affective component on purchase intention. This was observed however only among consumers with high level of ethnocentrism and also when they perceived products to be Polish. A greater influence of cognition on purchase intention was observed among respondents with high level of consumer ethnocentrism and when they perceived products to be foreign. Also among consumers with low ethnocentrism regardless of the perceived origin of the products.


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