The brand associative structure in the marketing strategy of brand extension

  • Iwona Madej University of Lodz
Keywords: brand extension; associative structure of a brand; notional structure of consumption products; transfer of associations; categorical affinity of the same brand products; neutralizing negative associations


Nowadays, one of the widely popularised marketing strategies is brand extension, which means marking new products with an existing brand. The efficiency of this strategy can be improved by means of a change introduced into the brand association structure which consists in neutralizing negative associations with the extended products. In this study on associations with Palmolive brand, the method of associative affinity index developed by Klein and Kernan (1988) and the methodology of examining the affinity between the original product and the extended products of the same brand developed by Aaker and Keller (1990) have been used. This study supports the results of Aaker and Keller's empirical analyses which indicate that in order to develop effective strategies of brand extension, the analysis of associations should be combined with examination of category affinity between the products that are given the same brand.


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