Selected determinants of religious experiences
Some psychologists believe that there is some correlation between gender or the choice of a university and religiousness of an individual, the intensity of the effects of a religious experience, coping with stress and a sense of security. It is also thought that many factors such, as the background of a person, their upbringing, their religious attitude, maturity and sense of security can have an influence on the intensity of religious experiences over life.
Research was carried out in a group of 150 students. All of them described themselves as believers and did report religious experiences in their lives. 134 properly filled in questionnaires were used for the analysis. There were 33 men from the University of Economy, 37 men from the Forestry Faculty of the Academy of Agriculture, 32 women from Ignatianum University in Krakow and 32 women from Vocational High School in Nowy Sącz. The age of the subjects was within the range of 22 to 25 years.
The author of the article, interested in the issues of the sense of security, coping with stress and religious experiences of the students of various universities has tried to answer the following questions: Does the independent variable, gender differentiate (influence) the level of the sense of security, the effects of religious experiences of God's presence or absence, and coping with stress? Which of the independent variables identified in Ways of Coping Questionnaire (and to what extent) have an influence on the dependent variables; the sense of effects of the experience of God's presence (OB) and the sense of effects of the experience of God's absence (NOB)? The results show that gender has a definite influence on differentiation of the dependent variables. It should be emphasised that when the regression analysis is applied one can notice that essential independent variables of religious character have the most tangible influence on the dependent variables. However, mainly the former ones decide about the intensity of religious experiences of an individual.
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