Psychological analysis of attitudes observed among social care homes employees towards dwellers with mental disorders
Research results presented in the article focus on the correlation between attitudes towards people with mental disorders and chosen personality traits. Research involved 150 people – employees of social care homes. Job characteristics and the nature of contact with social care homes dwellers constituted the criterion for placing the analysed person into one of the subgroups. Three subgroups of equal size have been recognised: employees at social – therapeutic department(I), medical staff (nurses) (II), economic department employees (III). The following methods have been used: The Scale for Defining Attitudes Towards People with Mental Disorders, Raven's Progressive Matrices, Study of Values by G. W. Allport, P. E. Vernon, G. Lindzey, Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory by C. D. Spielberger, J. Strelau, M. Tysarczyk, K. Wrześniewski, The Questionnaire: ”What are you like?” by P. Sears. Within the analyzed group people from subgroup I manifested the most positive attitudes, people from subgroup II were slightly less favourably inclined, and people from subgroup III showed the least positive approach. The application of multiple regression equation showed that among the analysed variables trait anxiety has significant meaning for the type of attitudes both in group I and II. In subgroup III a significant influence on manifested attitudes is exerted by the following variables: economic values, intellectual level, artistic values and trait anxiety.
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