Temperamental aspects of shyness in teenagers

  • Agnieszka Kulik Catholic University of Lublin
  • Leszek Szewczyk Catholic University of Lublin


The concept of shyness is being differently defined. Shyness is manifested in fearful inhibition of activity, especially in the presence of a larger group of people. This feeling seems to connected with the level of self-awareness and may be more intensive during adolescence.

The majority of researchers perceives the genesis of shyness in environmental influences, mainly familial. Some of them think, however, that shyness is genetically conditioned and focus on the role of individual traits of the nervous system as a disposition for shyness to be formed. A question can be posed: what temperamental traits may be a predicate of shyness in teenagers? A hypothesis has been assumed that shy persons should be characterized by high emotionality indicator, mainly dissatisfaction and fear, low level and activity and sociability. At the same time the structure of temperament in shy persons should be essentially different from the structure of temperament in non-shy persons.

The study has used the „Questionnaire for Pupils” by B. Harwas-Napierała (worked out by A. Kulik) and the Questionnaire of Temperament EAS by A. H. Buss ad R. Plomin in its version for adults. 204 subjects, aged 14-15, have been examined. The results of 171 subjects have been used in the study (18 shy subject, 32 non-shy subjects, 121 „average” subjects with regard to shyness).

The analyses of results dealt with an analysis of the structure of temperament and intensity of its particular dimensions and the definition of this type of temperament.

The results point to large differences between shy teenagers and their peers with regard to emotionality. The most characteristic trait of shyness is dissatisfaction, anxiety, susceptibility to frustration. Among the three types of temperament, what is characteristic of shy people is their emotionally excitable character, average motor activity, and moderate level of sociability.


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