Information stress as threat to development
The issue discussed in the article is an example of the problems that have become topical in connection with the social-economic changes at the turn of the century. Within humanities they are studied in the so-called paradigm of civilisation changes. In analyses the conseąuences of intensive development of sciences and technology are stressed, including computer technology. One of the results of the occurring changes is overproduction of information and considerable acceleration in the area of data transmission. The pressure of a lot of information coming from various sources appears to be a cause of stress, because of the limited possibilities of processing of information. The fundamental barriers are connected with functional properties of attention and memory. When establishing a relation between information overflow and development it was stressed that mental regulation is done on three planes, comprising levels of information, knowledge and individual experience. Too much data First of all makes it difficult to transform information into knowledge. Moreover, constant stimulation makes it more difficult to systematize subjective experience, contributing to its fragmentation. Incoherent, loosely ordered personal experience does not properly fulfil regulating functions, which comprise orientation in one?s surroundings, planning and supervising realization of goals. Hence information stress ruins the foundations of development, making immediate mechanisms of coping with difficult situations appear in the place of purposeful activity.
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