Cognitive Evaluation of Conflict and Emotional Dimension of Adolescents’ Strategies for Coping With Social Conflict
The aim of the research was to cognitively appraise a conflict and provide an emotional reflection on the significance of the situation in triggering destructive and constructive coping strategies used by adolescents in a social conflict situation. The study used the Stress Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) by Włodarczyk and Wrześniewski, the Three-Factor Inventory of Personality States and Traits (TIPST) by Spielberger and Wrześniewski and the Questionnaire to study adolescents’ strategies of coping in a situation of social conflict (KSMK) by Borecka-Biernat. Empirical research was conducted in secondary schools and included 893 adolescents (468 girls and 425 boys) aged 13–15 years. Analysis of the research results shows that the situational appraisal of a conflict as a threat or the dispositional appraisal of a conflict as a harm/loss, as well as reacting to it with anger or fear, perceived as a temporary emotional state and as a learnt behavioural disposition, co-occurs with the tendency to react destructively to a conflict in adolescents.The research has also shown that an adolescent facing a conflict situation—but not appraising the situation dispositionally as a threat/loss and reacting to it with a learnt behavioural disposition to react with curiosity—will apply a constructive strategy to cope with the situation.
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