Structural and Dynamic Aspects of a Burned-out Syndrome in the Supportive Jobs

  • Wiesława Okła Catholic University of Lublin
  • Stanisława Steuden Catholic University of Lublin


The paper sought to discuss the burning out process in which one can distinguish its structural elements, its stage character and dynamism. On the basis of empirical research conducted by means of the experimental version of the Burned-Out Scale, the authors examined people employed in supportive jobs (nurses, social workers, doctors, teachers and policemen). They have distinguished five dimensions constituting the burned-out syndrome: lower emotional control, loss of subject's commitment, a decrease in effective activity, limitation of interpersonal contacts, and physical fatigue. They pointed to the significance of the motivational factor and competence in its construction. On the basis of the dimensions of the burned-out syndrome the authors also presented a model of its dynamism in the supportive jobs.


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