Kobiety w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego w dobie debaty nad parytetami i kwotami

  • Agnieszka Łukasik-Turecka Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Słowa kluczowe: parytet; kwoty; samorząd terytorialny; wybory samorządowe


The fact of continuous though small increase in both the number of women candidates and the number of women elected in particular elections pleases those for whom the participation of women in government in general is an important matter. The issue which seems to be of particular importance is that of women’s participation in local government.

It is just this level at which decisions, concerning education and health service – the areas run and dominated mainly by women, are taken. Thus it seems natural to demand that more women are allowed to co-decide on areas in which they are normally active.

Women’s chances of functioning in politics at the local government level seem to be big. The character of activities at the local government level, a possibility of reconciling political activity with performing other social roles, and a greater social acceptance of women’s activity at the local government level give a chance for women’s activity in this area.
