Zmiany w systemie pokrewieństwa i w rodzinie oraz formy pomocy wzajemnej i pomocy państwa

  • Leon Dyczewski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Słowa kluczowe: rodzina; formy życia rodzinnego; więź´ międzypokoleniowa; pokrewieństwo; polityka rodzinna


Confirmed by substantial research in recent decades, I consider the following to be as the most essential and most visible changes in the Polish family life:

– the spreading of different forms of family life;
– changes in the arrangement of family bonds, i.e., domination of the personal bonds;
– changes of position and authority in the family, i.e., development of partnership relations between spouses and generations;
– changes in the structure of the family;
– demographic changes, i.e., a decline in the number of children in the family;
– differentiation of family support, i.e., improved adjustment to the needs of specific family categories.
