Wolność badań naukowych. Standardy europejskie i rzeczywistość polska

  • Jacek Sobczak Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie
Słowa kluczowe: prawa człowieka; wolność twórczości artystycznej; wolność badań naukowych.


In the article the issue of freedom of expressing one’s views, including freedom of artistic work and freedom of academic research is analyzed. A special place in the discussion is devoted to academic research. As a significant element of the progress of civilization it contributes to development of science. A lot of man’s inventions, like nuclear weapons or bacteriological weapons, indicate the need of reflection on their use. Limitation of research areas as well as the question of legitimacy and effectiveness of e.g. legal barriers in this respect have to be considered here. History of academic research shows that bans on conducting research in certain areas of science introduced by governments of particular countries may be inefficient. The author emphasizes here the European standards regulating the freedom of academic research and he compares them with the Polish reality.
