Niezależność Narodowego Banku Polskiego

  • Agnieszka Stolarska Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: bank; bank centralny; Narodowy Bank Polski; niezależność


Independence of the Polish National Bank may be defined in personal, functional, institutional and financial aspects. The way of appointing the bank authorities and the possibility of dismissing them, the way of performing the bank's tasks and functions, and disposal of its financial means are adjusted to the requirements of the European Union. However, the moment Poland joins the Community it will be necessary to secure efficient functioning of the Polish central bank within the Union by introducing adequate changes in the bank that will become part of the European System of Central Banks. Independence of the central bank may be measured with the use of mathematical methods. The study suggested by Cukierman, Webb and Neypati is concerned with the connection between independence of the central bank and the rate of macroeconomic index changes. The Polish National Bank has a lot of independence. It is warranted by the Constitution of the Polish Republic of 2 April 1997 and the Polish National Bank Act of 29 August 1997.


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