Opieka nad dzieckiem przestępczym na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku

  • Izabela Szewczyk Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, doktorantka
Słowa kluczowe: nieletni przestępcy; odpowiedzialność karna nieletnich; zakłady poprawcze


Poland was under difficult circumstances in the 19th century. Both the legal procedure and care on juvenile delinquents was formed differently, irrespective of a tendency in the partitioner. The pace of foreign laws and first specialist institutions for juvenile delinquents in the three partitions was different and depended strictly on the partitioners' decisions. It was in the Polish Kingdom that the initiative to set up corrective centres was the fastest and most numerous. Following a charitable initiative three institutions were established and functioned there (the Mokotów Institute of Moral Improvement of Children, Agricultural-Craft ... in Studzień, and the School of Labour in Struga). In the Prussian and Austrian partitions the initiative to establish institutes for juvenile delinquents belonged to the state. In the Prussian partition there were two corrective centres: in Chojnice and Szubina, whereas in the Austrian partition the first institute started as late as the 20th century. All the above institutes did not play any important role in fighting delinquency because the number of places they offered were insufficient. Nevertheless they initiated of organised work with juvenile delinquents in the 20th century.
