Prawa i obowiązki mniejszości narodowych w Europie
In the Church’s social teaching the necessity is stressed to actually and efficiently protect the rights of national minorities within the frames of integral protection of universal, indefeasible and inalienable human rights. The Church, as a ‘natural ally’ of minorities, shows the importance of codifying and observing the rights of the mentioned ethnic groups for their existence and development, for their integration in the host state, for preserving the peace and for the integration of Europe. According to the Church’s social teaching numerous social-political and cultural rights should be granted to minorities, without exempting their right to a just autonomy. Autonomy of national minorities is not tantamount to state sovereignty but it is defined in two dimensions: on the one hand it means granting considerable self-containedness and independence to minorities, and on the other, it is limited by the norms of God’s law and of a just positive proof. This is why the Church’s teaching, when it speaks about the autonomy of minorities – about their rights – at the same time it stresses their obligations and the necessity of being loyal to the host state.
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