Prawa człowieka a prawa rodziny
Human persons living in a family have universal and indivisible rights that are based on man's inborn dignity. From the philosophical point of view that dignity is a substantial, autonomous and self-defining being. From the legal point of view it is a physical subject. On the other hand, family, from the philosophical point of view, is a sui generis reality – an accidental being. Family is not recognised as a legal subject in the Polish family law or in the new Constitution (of April 2, 1997). In the Chart of Family Rights family is recognised as a subject of law. The Chart does not have a character of a legal document – it does not have a binding legal force – so it can be said that family only is a subject of morality and not of law. However, in the Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights family is recognised as a subject of law. A two-plane relationship occurs here. The foundation of the rights of a human person is his inborn dignity, whereas the rights of family members are the foundation of family rights. They are not collective human rights but the rights of another subject, that is of family. Family has social, freedom and solidarity rights with corresponding correlative duties.
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