Problemy decentralizacji administracji

  • Stanisław Wójcik Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: administracja; centralizm; decentralizacja; samorząd; nadzór; partycypacja


Assurance of government administration activity and security and guaranty of public freedom are both political tendency that aim at attaining basic purpose, that is to assure common weal – existence and development of State and community. Decentralization gradually possessed equal rights to centralization as a principle for new government administration system. Limitting the central government trend to excessive centralization and overgrowth of bureaucracy is the essential function in decentralization.

The problems of legal status is still up-to-date issue in self-government theory elucidating genesis and essence of dependence of self-government on national government and matter of self-government organization independence.

Self-government votaries, with base of eight year experience, convinced in necessity of decentralization of national government administration demand self-government autonomy to be specified in lawful means, especially to define clearly two pillows basic for territorial autonomy constitution, that is subjective side and decentralization.


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