„Męski” i „kobiecy” pierwiastek duchowy w chrześcijańskim ideale charakteru w rozumieniu F. W. Foerstera

  • Ewa Słomka


The problems of forming a character has had a long tradition. One of the best known theoreticians of this issue is F. W. Foerster. The paper seeks to characterize the ideal of forming a character in his approach.

According to Foerster, the Christian ideal of character is a peculiar dialectics between the male and female element. "Manhood" in his conception is identified with the Greek virtue of fortitude, self-affirmation of the spirit in the face of sense drives, fortune, and community. It is a constant aspiration for the aim, irrespective of adversities. Now "femininity" is an ability to love, sacrifice, to feel empathy with another man, tact, considerateness, it may be identified with the Christian virtue of love. The distinction between the male and female spiritual elements points to a peculiar twofold aspect of human nature, and postulates a necessity to respect it in defining the universal aim of the formation of character.
