Stanisław Grabski jako teoretyk społeczno-polityczny

  • Stanisław Wójcik


Stanisław Grabski as a philosopher, economist and politician was able to form a synthesis of these branches wherein human affairs and welfare of society in given political and economic circumstances were deemed most important. It follows from an analysis of Grabski's works that he has outlined an "economic theory of society" with an individualistic and socializing propriety.

Analyzing social-economic occurrences and processes he used real-historic and systematic methods, he clearly understood the great complexity of social life, notified cumulation of political, economic und cultural occurrences, that form and then influence development or regress of social system occuring one after another.

Grabski cricitized and warned of introducing socialistic model of sovietic economy in Poland, proving whenever he could its incapacity, low quality and regressive character. At the same time, he indicated necessity of practice of improving capitalistic economy. Great part in his social-economic idea took, strongly set forth by Church rule of nation help. Appreciating the necessity of a mutual complementarity of the free market − verified way determining dynamics of production and inventing, and active nation − which, in case of any problems stimulate economy and protect the weak-created, I believe, frameworks of social market economy.


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