Ingerencja sadu opiekuńczego w wykonywanie władzy rodzicielskiej

  • Dominika Czajkowska-Ziobrowska Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Humanistyczna Kadry dla Europy
  • Matylda Gwoździcka-Piotrowska Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: rodzina; władza rodzicielska; ingerencja sądu


The parents’ authority means a set of rights and obligations towards a child. The merit of this authority does not necessarily mean exercising it and in some cases possessing this right is not connected with implementing it into reality. The right to exercise the parents’ authority should mean the personal right to deal with the child’s matters. The provisions of Family Law give the family courts several control instruments over the bringing up of a child in a family. The courts apply and implement parents’ rights limitations, but they do it just after a deep analysis of each case.
