Osoba, moralność, mass media

  • Jarosław Jęczeń Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: osoba; moralność; komunikacja; mass media


A person and morality are inseparable because all human activity has its axiological aspect. Similarly, all human activity, both verbal and non-verbal is the way to communicate with other people or with the external world. It applies to direct person to person communication and also to mass media communication. Besides the above, each activity has its aim and means to attain the aim. The article analyses the question of what relations bind a person, morality and mass media, as indicated in the title. To what extent they are in line with Immanuel Kant's personal norm: “may a human never be the means of your actions, but the aim” or with Karol Wojtyła's personal norm, which is a specific postulate of human affirmation for the sake of humans themselves: a person can never be the means to attain the aim, because this would violate the person's dignity. The idea of the personal norm and Wojtyła's personal anthropology with the perspective of “a person and person's deed” allow us to present these relations in the article.


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