Style spożywania alkoholu przez studentów lubelskich uczelni wyższych oraz ich opinie dotyczące wybranych aspektów problematyki alkoholowej
The purpose of this paper is to present drinking patterns among students from universities in Lublin as well their views about regulations on alcohol consumption. Using a questionnaire designed by the authors, a random sample of 810 students aged 21-24 was examined. It included participants from various faculties at: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin University of Technology, Medical University of Lublin, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, and University of Life Sciences in Lublin. As the results of this study show, particularly those referring to frequent amnesic drinking and binge drinking, the problem of excessive alcohol consumption is not uncommon among students from the surveyed sample. Differences in drinking patterns as well as in opinions about age of safe alcohol use initiation and the Driver's Blood Alcohol Limits (DBAL) were found, depending on the study subject, the year of study and the respondent's gender.
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