Kultura – działanie – metoda

  • Andrzej Zaporowski Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: kultura; działanie; zdarzenie; metoda; wyjaśnienie; interpretacja; postawa propozycjonalna


One of the objects of analysis of the studies in culture is a relation between culture and action. However, this object is problematic. The aim of this article is to propose a method which allows one to analyze this problematization. I mean two elements. Firstly, I investigate a kind of determination/connection between the parts of the relation in question. Secondly, I ask for a vocabulary in which the said determination/connection takes place. Both elements contribute to a possibly simple theoretical model which allows of simulation of imaginable scenarios of the ordered actions (including, interactions) performed by the cultural individuals. As a derivate of the analytic potential, the proposed method is then to explain the particular events called the human actions of non-reflexive nature.


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