Polityka kulturalna Lublina w świetle starań o tytuł Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury 2016

  • Aneta Scherer Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: Lublin; Europejska Stolica Kultury 2016; genius loci; Miasto w dialogu; kultura; polityka kulturalna


The purpose of this article is to present the role and importance of culture of Lublin over several years of effort for the title of European Capital of Culture 2016. In addition, to show the main objectives of the cultural policy of the city. Despite the defeat, Lublin presented the range of cultural values of Eastern Poland. Visually showed the involvement of the city and its citizens in the creation of a new quality in the field of culture. These features have been highlighted in Lublin, which set it apart from most developing economically western cities. University character, openness to other cultures, dialogue, exchange, aspirations—all decide about European dimension of Lublin. The city that managed all the material resources of the cultural space in organizing a number of events, does not give up despite defeat efforts of the above-mentioned title. Year 2017—seven hundredth anniversary of granting civic rights is the year in which all the assumptions of the contest Final Application ECOC 2016 should fulfil. Culture is considered to be the backbone of the development of modern cities. Today, the development provides primarily social capital, that is, the quality of “what is between us.” An important factor in the formation of cultural identity is the attitude of the citizens of the city of Lublin. Students, artists, an increasing number of tourists. Their lives, passions, have an impact on the shape of this place. Lublin is one of the places, that is said to have soul and spirit—genius loci. Old buildings, forgotten alleys—all this affects the quality of perception of the city. A number of cultural events, including held for three years, juggling performance “Karnawał Sztuk-Mistrzów” (“Carnaval of Magicians”—in Polish “Sztuk-Mistrzów” is word game: “of Masters of Arts”), annually attracts thousands of spectators from across the country and artists from abroad. Genius loci old rule still applies. The city must have “something.” It must be original and have the characteristics of authenticity. The article uses analytical and descriptive method.


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