The Need for Visualization of Knowledge in the Culture Studies

  • Andrzej Radomski Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: culture studies; digital humanities; writing; image; visualization; digitalization; big data; digital stories; informationalism


The language was until recently the focus of science and philosophy. In the world of the early twenty-first century, informationalism, called for the return of the pictures. The information society produces huge quantities of images, videos, animations and digital texts. These new data sets referred to as big data. Their study new methods are needed. Old, adapted to the interpretation of texts, in fact turn out to be unreliable. Thus was born the digital humanities, which offers new tools for processing and interpretation of big data. The basic method is visualization. Visualization comes in several varieties. Most forms of infographics, three-dimensional animation and digital video. Results of the study also begins to present through images. Since the beginning of scientific practice, the primary means of communicating the results of the cognition was writing. Under the influence of new technologies ICT researchers are increasingly communicating their research in visual form—from presentations, web pages, and up to special applications, enabling the creation of multimedia materials. All of them are called digital stories, namely digital storytelling.


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