Christianity in China: Past, Present and Future

  • Wiktoria Karpińska
Keywords: Catholic Church, China, Chinese culture, Christianity, religion


Christianity reached China relatively late — the earliest confirmed information about the presence of Christianity in this area dates back to the 8th century AD. For centuries, Chinese culture has been shaped by other philosophical and religious systems, so Christianity has not always been understood and accepted in China. Nevertheless, it has survived and is gaining more and more followers.

The article presents the history of the appearance of the Christian religion in China and the way Christianity has fared there over the centuries. It also shows the plight of the Catholic Church in the People’s Republic of China. The article shows what made Christianity survive and put down roots in China, how it found itself in Chinese culture, the number of its followers, and the role Christianity plays for them. The author also reflects on the future development of Christianity in a country where religions are understood differently than in Western culture.

Author Biography

Wiktoria Karpińska

Wiktoria Karpińska—Student at the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences with major in Sinology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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