A Short Treatise on the Harmfulness of the Specialist Language in Literary Studies

Keywords: literary theory; interpretation; Étienne Gilson; Jacques Maritain; Thomism; colloquial language; technical language; man; liberty; poststructuralism


The aim of the article is to demonstrate the harmfulness of the excessive attachment to the specialist language in literary studies. The introduction outlines the context in which the thesis is formulated. The proceeding part consists of a short presentation of the current situation of the literary studies, namely their linguistic “overspecialization.” The yet proceeding one — of a short historical sketch of what is called here the classic mode of academic diction, ranging from the Greek Antique to contemporary times, with special stress falling upon the role which in this diction was and is given to the colloquial, living, “natural” language.” The third part is an attempt at formulating three theoretical arguments proving the superiority of this “classic” model over the contemporary one in the literary studies. The text closes with an attempt at outlining several practical advantages to be gained by accepting the attitude argued for in the text.


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