Educational Turn in the Perspective of Learning Culture

Keywords: educational turn; culture; learning; elites; reforms


Re-definition of the notion of “educational turn” within the interpretative frames of a culture learning mechanism is the main purpose of this paper.

Three main hypotheses were put forward. First of all, all the changes in educational processes which are observed nowadays result from the fact that a culture learning mechanism are have been being transformed. The paradigm of the enlightenment period proved to be insufficient due to the challenge created by huge amount of information which is absorbed by a person every minute, and the necessity to select and organize it very quickly. Secondly, every single idea of reforms requires reflection on the potential “domino effect”, e.g. how will it affect other fields of culture and aspect of human life. Thirdly, cultural events are not equally significant concerning their educational influence.

The conclusion is that the very notion of „educational turn” needs to be redefined through the perspective of cultural values.


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