Heresy as a Factor in the Development of Culture: Considerations Regarding the Case of the Waldenses and their Activities

  • Robert T. Ptaszek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: heresy; culture; Catholic Church; Waldenses


At the beginning of the text, the author sets in order some terminological issues. He explains how heresy is conceived on the ground of Christianity and how it differs from schism. He also shows contemporary changes in meaning and evaluation of concepts of “heresy” and “orthodoxy”. For that purpose, he refers to Gilbert K. Chesterton’s books. Then he proposes and proves the thesis that heresies in strict sense are not constructive, i.e. they cannot contribute to the progress of culture within which they exist. The main argument is as follows: heresies do not develop culture because their authors reject its achievements (i.e. cultural heritage) and try to shape the culture anew according to completely different principles.

Referring to activity of the Waldenses movement, the author shows that heresies can be constructive only indirectly—as inspiration to improve the orthodox religion. This improvement consists in making dogmas more precise and also in modification of functioning of religious communities and institutions. The Waldenses had an influence on these two areas. On the matter of doctrine their role was that they helped the Catholic Church to point at and criticize these elements of Catharism which were in disagreement with Christian dogmas. When it comes to practical and institutional issues, as “the movement of the poor”, they prepared a ground for the mendicant orders.


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