Reception of the Socrates Character in Selected Works of Literature and in “Colombo” Crime Series

  • Krystyna Szawłowska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: Sokrates; Sokrates reception; Columbo; Norwid; Tuwim; Witwicki; radio dramas after Plato’s texts


The article refers to the figure of Socrates and its contemporary reception as a cultural phenomenon. The author recalls works in which Philosopher appears—in poetry, drama, prose, in radio dramas and in the American television series “Columbo.” Every time different aspect of the character is accented. Socrates as a multidimensional figure is invoked in various ways—its inconspicuous appearance, brilliant humor, and sharp language are accented, another time the search by him for the truth, and finally his conviction, his death and post-mortem rehabilitation, described by Diogenes Laertios, which, although not confirmed from another source, is information sufficiently strong that resist in the minds of recipients. The author tries to show how Socrates is presented in the context of creators its times. Undoubtedly, both the author and the times influence the perception of the philosopher. And so are the subsequent reflections of this character — tragic, coarse, penetrating.


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