The Status of Implementation of Changes in the Management of Organizations in the Cultural and Creative Sectors Resulting from Changes in the Environment

  • Joanna Kubicka The University of Business in Wroclaw
Keywords: cultural sector; the environment; change management; organization


The aim of the study is to identify the state of implementation of changes in management in organizations in the cultural and creative sectors resulting from changes in the environment. This was done by reviewing the ideas presented in the literature and conducting own empirical research. The research was both quantitative and qualitative, based on a questionnaire. It was carried out in 2015, on a group of 101 representatives of organizations from the cultural and creative sectors. Respondents were interviewed about the necessary changes in management resulting from changes in the environment and the state of implementation of these changes in the organizations in which they work. The results were statistically analyzed. Differences in the responses from the point of view of the gender of the respondents have been identified. The difference between the granted significance of the change and the degree of its implementation was also determined. Comparisons were done for independent samples, using the Kolmogotow-Smirnov test and non-parametric statistics, using the statistical package IBM SPSS version 21.0. It turned out that only part of the respondents have a full awareness of the scope and the impact of changes in management on functioning of organizations in the sector. The state of implementation of these changes in the organizations of the cultural and creative sectors is still low.


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