Culture and a Research Practice

  • Andrzej Zaporowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: culture; event; interaction; intersubjective; knowledge; propositional attitude; research practice


The article aims at analysing a link between culture and a research practice. The former is referred to the propositional attitudes, where this reference is of intersubjective nature. The latter is given in terms of the human interactions. Their relevant component, that is, an individual’s physical action is an instance of a physical event. The author’s claim is that culture conditions the research practice. This practice is interwoven into other social practices (like commonsense or religious), so that the relation between the social and the cultural is of a holistic and dynamic nature. The author discusses a number of positions which have dealt with the particular topics or problems of the link in question to show how many facets this link may have. Finally, the analysis is to reveal the multicultural dimension in which the research practice may be approached.


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