Philosophy on Relations between Religion and Spirituality

  • Robert T. Ptaszek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: philosophy; religion; Christianity; new spirituality; culture of Europe


With the rise of the New Age Movement in the culture of Europe in the 1970’s, the process that may be summarised as a movement “from old religion to new spirituality” began.

In the text, Author defines more precisely (on the ground of realistic philosophy cultivated in the Lublin Philosophical School) what spirituality and religion are. The distinction “religion – spirituality” is a basis of my considerations. Religion is a complex of internal and external actions by which a man worships God whereas new spirituality does not refer to any transcendent reality, and is not a way of expressing a man’s faith, but only provide experiences brightening up the human life.

This is a main argument for the thesis that attempts to replace traditional religion with new spirituality, undertaken in our culture in the last few decades, are bound to fail.


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