Right to Culture in Terms of Economic Freedom

  • Wojciech Wytrążek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: culture; economy; economic freedom; cultural policy; constitution; human rights


There is a strong relationship between economy and culture. It can be described as a feedback —economic growth leads to the development of cultural industries and cultural development to stimulate economic activities directly or indirectly related to the cultural sector. Should not be limited to such a simplification, because economic freedom also leads to dissemination patterns of mass culture and universal life products manufactured by the global culture industry, which the national culture of individual states may marginalized.

The aim of this article is to outline the relationship between economic freedom and cultural life in the context of the right to culture. Considerations are designed to search for answers to the question to what extent is growing thanks to the actions of the free market, on the other hand, with which the negative phenomena caused by misuse of economic freedom has to now deal Poland. The right to culture and the culture itself, are treated by the Polish State marginally. This is evidenced not only the amount of resources devoted to the culture of which do not exceed 1% of the state budget, but also the cultural policy, which does not seem to be conformed to the current situation of the country. Considering the above facts, the question arises about the direction and performance of the cultural policy which should be integrated with educational policies, economic and fiscal policy.


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