Intellectual Culture of the Sephardic Jews in Medieval Spain

  • Ewa Zając The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: Sephardic culture; medieval Spain; Jewish philosophy; Sephardic poetry


The Jewish Sephardic Diaspora in Medieval Spain created a rich community in regards to religious, economic, cultural and intellectual aspects. The history and the fate of the Spanish Jews were closely related to the two religio-cultural circles: the first was formed within the Islamic Caliphate, and the second alongside the Catholic Church during the Reconquista, which gradually regained al-Andalus. This specific historical and socio-cultural context shaped Sephardic cultural and intellectual life. The article presents their contribution to Spanish culture from the 9th to the 15th century and familiarizes with the rich intellectual achievements both in the humanities (poetry, philosophy) as well as in medicine, mathematics and astronomy.


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