Theatre Transformations in Drama: Some Remarks on Theatrical Concept of Drama as a Method

  • Jadwiga Gracla University of Silesia in Katowice
Keywords: theatre transformations; theatrical concept of drama; the Great Theatre Reform; space construction; performance


Theatrical concept of drama, as it is assumed by researchers, is inseparably connected with the Great Theatre Reform. It emphasises its primary dependence of both areas of art and the renaissance of this bond. The presented sketch focuses on selected plays written in the first three decades of 20th century and theories aiming at the revival of stage vision suggested by authors were both the Reform creators Braig, Appia and Fuchs, as well as their followers Jessner and Reinhardt. The analysis of the play structure reveals striking similarities with these theories. However, what must be emphasised, their discovery becomes possible only if the work of drama exhibits a theatrical vision involved in it and its theatrical purpose. Therefore, the use of this specific theory allows for better understanding of drama, discovering its connections with its contemporary and frequently following changes happening in the theatre because it is in the work of drama where frequently the postulate of reforming the theatre stood the test of time.


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