Mathematical Modeling in Music Based on the Work of Iannis Xenakis
The search for mathematical relationships in musical compositions are often studied. There are many musical compositions, in which the composer consciously used mathematical knowledge during their composing. The search for mathematical dependence in music could be called “mathematization of music”. Can we use math to music illustration of mathematical objects? The problem of using music to math illustration is analyzed in this article and the aim of the article is to present some mathematical structures consciously used in the compositions by Iannis Xenakis. His work is an excellent example of the connection of mathematics with music. There are described stochastic processes and probability theory, group theory, game theory, and Brownian motion and Markov chains. Music of Xenakis opposed any tradition in music by using mathematical modeling in it. It was unpredictable, but not accidental. There is also about the creative process when composing music and about mathematical order in musical works, as well as aesthetic and artistic values. This article facilitates the perception of Xenakis music and enables to understand his work better.
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